Shambala Foundation- Design Your Life

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“Your life is a ship, and you are the captain.”

While China continues to experience economic growth, many young people in rural areas are getting left behind. This lack of opportunity is in stark contrast with the highly competitive nature of Chinese schools in large cities like Beijing. This is especially so in Dali Prefecture, which experiences high and increasing levels of unemployment, especially among young people.

Shambala Foundation believes that education is the best means of alleviating poverty, and works with rural students to help them break the cycle of poverty and live their full potential. PaperSeed is partnering with Shambala Foundation to bring 10 young women in Yunnan province to a 128 hour intensive training program designed to help them find direction and take action in their lives. With business training and rigorous action planning, these young people will have the means to find gainful employment, start businesses, or pursue higher education.

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PaperSeed partnered with Shambala foundation in 2017 to launch the Design Your Life program for 10 Bai Minority women. The initial training concluded in late Fall 2017, and Shambala will continue to work with the DYL graduates for two years to ensure that their action plans are put into place. We look forward to sharing updates about these young women as they come!